Thursday, December 3, 2009


Okay. So my ex-co-worker/friend/neighbor, Lisa, just told me about this event...SantaCon (short for Santa Convention). It's where everyone gets together and dresses up in a Santa suit (or your interpretation thereof), no exceptions. Once suited, you get together at a designated spot in your city and thus begins the SantaCon adventure. It started in San Francisco in 1994 and now it happens all around the world! Sounds like fun, right? It gets most of the major cities (including our own J-ville) the Santas get together for a pub crawl! Check out the Jacksonville-based SantaCon Facebook page for more details.

If this sounds like your thing, keep in mind the following:
1. Bring gifts! Naughty ones for the adults; nice ones for the kids (although I don't know how many kids will be out at 10pm on a Saturday night).
2. Pay for your drinks as soon as you get them. The SantaCon website brings up a good point, I'm sure it's a pain having to wait on other Santas to close tabs out while the reindeers are waiting (cash tabs are encouraged).

There are other tips and tricks, but the basic "FOUR F**KS OF SANTACON" are:
1. Don't f**k with kids
2. Don't f**k with cops
3. Don't f**k with security
4. Don't f**k with Santa. (it's okay to f**k Santa)

Jacksonville, FL
December 12, 2009
Sleigh ride begins @ 10pm
Check the local FB page for details

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